From Beakers to Briefcases
With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biochemistry under her belt, Iliff was working as a research assistant in UNCG’s biochemistry department – as well as part-time at a bakery – when she decided to switch gears in 2013.
“My boss at the bakery once worked as the VP of sales at a pharmaceutical company and suggested I go for my MBA, and I dismissed the idea,” Iliff said. “I thought I knew what an MBA was until he started listing all of the things it entails. They were all things I love — supply chain, management philosophies, accounting — all of it.”
Iliff enrolled as soon as she could and within a year, she’d secured an internship with Merz Therapeutics. That role turned into a full-time position and eventually, a spot at the top she currently holds — senior director of regulatory affairs and product safety.
From science to marketing, Iliff has pulled up her seat to the proverbial table. Since starting with Merz, Iliff’s dual background in research and business has allowed her to serve as a liaison between the research and development and marketing departments. Ultimately, she credits her results-driven work strategy and willingness to advocate for herself and others as having made her the most successful.
“Sometimes, women in business feel uncomfortable making sure they get credit for the work they do, but you have to. Speak up, take credit when you deserve it and put yourself out there,” Iliff said.